ANG-YEE | อั้งยี่
3 February 2000

3 February 2000
Synopsis :
Prior to 1937, an influential group of Chinese residing in Thailand established a secret society called “Ang Yee”. This is later broken up into many gangs. The two best known at the time were the Tang and the Triad.
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The two became sworn enemies after several clashes over territory. A top lieutenant of the Triad, Leng, was sent alone by his chief to assassinate an important member of the Tang deep inside enemy territory. He succeeded in his task but in the process he was so severely hurt. Hong, a Chinese girl who witness the incident was so impressed with Leng’s courage that she took him to her home where she lived with her Grandma and her brother, Howe.
Howe feared that he’d have problems with the Tang. He refused to let Leng stay but Grandma and Hong begged him. Howe reluctantly agreed and had to lie to his best friend, Joong, who is a Tang member. Leng recuperated under the care of Hong and he left. Hong went to look for Leng and was spotted by Tuatao, one of the close aids of Triad’s chief.
The chief had a taste for young virgin girls and Tuatao wanted to please his boss, he kidnapped Hong and killed Grandma in the process. Leng helped Hong to escape and went to pay his respect to Grandma. Howe blamed Leng for her death and assaulted him. Hong was in love with Leng and she pleaded for Leng’s life.
Howe decided to join the Tang to take revenge on the Triad. Howe and the Tang killed many of the Triad’s members. Leng was ordered to lead a counter attack. Howe and Joong were defeated during the fight with Leng. Leng spared their lives in return. When he returned he was named a traitor. His chief passed a death sentence, but his loyal friends begged for Leng’s life.
Leng stabbed himself as a punishment. The chief secretly ordered Tuatao and others to hunt down Leng afterward. He narrowly escaped their pursuit and showed up months later as a street bum. Howe and Joong found him on the street and took him in. The three became good friends and decided to join their forces to kill the Triad’s chief in a final attack. Joong discovered that the woman he loved, Chaba, was in love with his best friend, Howe. Howe on the other hand would sacrifice his love or even his life for Joong.
Hong made Howe to promise her that he would quit Ang Yee after this final attack. She also got Leng to promise her that he would never leave her again after his final attack. Will Leng, Joong and Howe be able to succeed on this final attack on the Triad? Here’s how the rest of the story goes.
Nopporn Vatin
Umphol Lampoon, Natcha Rujinanon, Jimmy Lin
3 February 2000
Duration (mins): 112